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Ken Eyerman Workshops Title
Ken Eyerman
Workshops Picture

Experience the benefits of working intensively with an intuitive master....

With over 40 years experience, Ken Eyerman has developed a fluid technique that taps into your individual needs, releases energy and works to heal injuries or chronic discomfort.

Known as the Eyerman Technique, these workshops and classes will introduce you to Ken’s unique take on movement based bodywork, utilising influences from Feldenkrais, Dance and Movement Therapy as well as Yoga.

Ken seeks to work with you, by developing core movement, and helping you tune into the constant flow of life energy essential to maintaining health and clarity of mind. To view a short video clip of Ken at work click here

Ken Eyerman

online Feldenkrais & Yoga classes with Ken

Zoom: Ken resumes his zoom Feldenkrais and Yoga classes. 10am on Saturdays for an hour and a half. Thursday evenings for an hour and a quarter. Email us on for the link and any updates on days/times.

Facebook Live: Ken occasionally runs a class live on Facebook. Have a look on his facebook page, where you can find a few previous classes to enjoy if you scroll down through the page!

Classes cost £10. For payment use or ask us for the bank details.

Residential Weekend Workshops in 2024

TBC: Yoga at The Grange by the Sea, Isle of Wight,
30 Dec - 1 Jan 2025: New Year Yoga & Spa Break at Champneys Spa. Henlow or Springs, location TBC,

Kens classes and workshops are suitable for those at all levels, including those who have injuries or are restricted in their movement. You will experience how Ken integrates Yoga with Feldenkrais. His intuitive and spontaneous hands-on approach emphasises the benefits of using your breath and developing an awareness of your inner process. Participants will learn to use their bodies with intelligence, awareness and efficiency. The Eyerman Technique will ease you into new postures while encouraging you to explore movement in a way that is both developmental and restorativeand you’ll leave feeling energised, centred and, perhaps, just a wee bit tired…

For further information and to book your place:

Call 020 8674 9929 or 07766 234 436 or email


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